Max Gloom
Max had always been a grump. Even in his youth, he was quick to find fault with the world around him. As he aged, this tendency only grew stronger, and by the time he reached his forties, Max had become a full-blown curmudgeon.
Surrounded by piles of newspapers, empty food containers, and various other bits of clutter, Max rarely ventures outside, except to visit the corner store for cigarettes and lottery tickets. He has no friends, and his only real interaction with the world comes from the television. Max is loud and obnoxious and frequently smells of alcohol and cigarettes. He isn't fit for modern times, and many people wonder how he manages to survive. He spends his days sitting in his armchair, smoking and complaining about the state of the world. He rants about politics, the economy, and the younger generation, whom he deems lazy and entitled.
But one day, something happened. He started a Podcast with people just as awful as he was…..